Butchers Daughter design food and flower experiences

for special occasions at home.


Birthday . Wedding . Party . Christmas . Let's Do It At Home Darling


We style to your colour palette a beautiful setting with the

 flowers, foliages, fruits and vegetables we grow.


For sit down occasions the Daughters Feast is a shared menu and a celebratory way to dine.


For stand up parties the Butchers Table is a buffet and matches wonderfully with roaming canapes.


We set up and pack down leaving all the things as they were.

And assist with bartenders and waiters, glassware, crockery, cutlery, furniture,

linen, drinks, and barista style coffee.


At home occasions create life time memories, a wondrous point in time to waken in the future.


Enquiries (02) 9439 0045 bridget@butchersdaughter.com.au